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Our 2018 Year in Trivia: Test your knowledge, get rewarded.
Your 2018
from takeoff to landing
Thanks for another great year, Sierra!

Let’s look back at where you went, what you did, and all the cool stuff you picked up along the way. Then, put your knowledge to the test and get 10% off your next flight just for playing.
Your year is more than just a number.
Who flew
total miles last year?*
You! That’s who.
And the earning was just getting started.
Treat yourself using your earned miles.
award flights booked
Time to explore more of our 900+ destinations.
partner flights flown
But wait, there's still
more from 2018...
Our year in trivia
Why do sea turtles love us?
Test your smarts and win a discount
that will get you flying this year.
Take the quiz
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*Miles flown for 2018 represent base miles flown on Alaska Airlines reservations with a valid Mileage Plan number. The total does not include bonus miles, flights that were manually posted, or miles earned with Mileage Plan Shopping, Dining, Hotels, Car Rentals, or other non-air partners.
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